Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Symptoms Of Diabetes

Symptoms Of Diabetes / Kencing Manis

Know what is symptoms of diabetes before it is too late. You don't have to wait for all these symptoms appear to go to see your doctor for regular check up.. but if you have some of these symptoms of Diabetes  below then you have more reason to see doctor specifically for diabetes check.. I wrote about symptoms of diabetes before in my previous post but this one is kind of a summary.

  1. Increased thirst and urination
  2. Constant hunger
  3. Weight Loss
  4. Frequent infections
  5. Slow healing wounds and sores
  6. Blurred vision
  7. Extreme fatigue
 extreme thirst is one symptom of diabetes
Extreme thirst is one symptom of diabetes

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Maggot Treatment Help Heal Diabetic Wound

Maggot Treatment Can Help Heal Diabetic Wound Now Tested in US

I have wrote before in July 2010 about using maggot as treatment to heal diabetic wound in Kuala Lumpur General Hospital Malaysia and my second post about private company that provide the services. This method of treatment to treat diabetic wound is still new, but even in short time it has show that this treatment is really effective to treat diabetic wound especially those with large and deep diabetic wound which manual dressing of this kind of diabetic wound is hectic and time consuming. Surely the wound dressing will not take long if it is done just for the sake to get it done not for the sake to get the diabetic would to heal properly and fast. Diabetic wound need a proper care to ensure it heal. Dead cell around the wound should be clean until left only red flesh of patient. Then the cell and flesh would grow faster. Now this hardwork of cleaning and dressing diabetic patient wound could be done in Malaysia. Thus doctor normally take easy way choose for amputation where healing of wound would be fast and the wound would be small. Amputation will save a doktor time and job, but it's at the end of the road for the patient. Now this worm treatment to treat diabetic wound now has  been used in  US.  Research say that this treatment is safe but the price is expensive. Let read what this article from reuter, and what they have to say about maggot treatment to treat diabetic wound.

REUTERS - To jump-start the healing of difficult diabetic wounds, U.S. researchers have a suggestion: let maggots do the work.To allow such wounds to heal, doctors remove infected or dead tissue with scalpels or enzymes, a process they call debridement. But these tools often fail.

"These problem patients with diabetes really need better treatments in order to salvage their limbs," said Lawrence Eron from Kaiser Hospital and the University of Hawaii in Honolulu, who with colleagues presented their findings at a recent scientific meeting in Chicago."Maggot debridement treatment is overwhelmingly effective. After just one treatment these wounds start looking better," he told Reuters Health.The results from Eron's team, which treated 37 diabetics with the maggots, still haven't been vetted by independent researchers.All of the patients in the study suffered from a type of artery disease that causes poor circulation in the limbs and they all had stubborn wounds, some up to five years old.The doctors put 50 to 100 maggots, of the species Lucilia sericata, on the wounds and left them there for two days, at which time they applied new ones. They repeated this five times on average."We cage the maggots in a mesh-like material. Nylon panty hose might be used. And then we seal them so they don't get out," Eron said.Maggots secrete substances into wounds that liquefy dead tissue and then ingest the material to further degrade it in their gut. The wounds are cleaned, and other substances contained in the maggot secretions allow the development of granulation tissue, a type of connective tissue that forms during wound healing.Twenty-one of the patients had successful outcomes, defined as eradication of infection, complete removal of dead tissue, formation of robust connective tissue in the wound and more than three-quarters closure of the wound.Five wounds were infected with the "superbug" MRSA, but they healed successfully with the maggot therapy. Nine wounds were infected with another bacterium called MSSA, and six of those healed. All 10 cases with infection due to group B streptococci were successfully treated, Eron said.The treatment failed in some patients. One had excessive inflammation surrounding the wound, two bled too much, and three had problems with infected bones.Asked how he persuades patients to undergo the treatment, Eron said he carefully explains the procedure and then has them sign a consent form."A lot of patients might be somewhat wary of having live insects placed into their wounds so we explain how it works and what possible problems might occur," he said."After this, we go on to do further treatment with hydrogels, grafts of cell culture tissue, or negative pressure dressings. But to get to the point there these treatments will work, you really need to clean up the wound, get rid of dead tissue, and get robust granulation tissue into the wound -- and this is where the maggots help."
image of worm treatment to treat diabeteic wound
(Reporting from the United States by Fran Lowry at Reuters Health; editing by Elaine Lies)

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Rawatan Ulat Untuk Merawat Luka Kencing Manis

Rawatan Ulat Untuk Merawat Luka Kencing Manis

Ini adalah alternatif terbaru dalam Rawatan Luka Kencing Manis iaitu dengan menggunakan ulat. Bukan sebarang ulat tetapi ulat yang telah di sterile dan di ternak dalam persekitaran yang terkawal untuk mengelak jangkitan kuman. Perkhidmatan ini juga bukan boleh diberi oleh sebarang pusat kesihatan kerana ia memerlukan kepakaran dan latihan yang khusus.  Bermula dengan kajian di Institute Medical Research IMR dan Hospital Kuala Lumpur HKL kaedah rawatan ini mula mendapat tempat dan meluas. Luka kencing manis adalah sukar untuk sembuh disebabkan kadar gula yang tinggi dalam darah dan kerosakan urat saraf badan pesakit kencing manis. 

Berbanding dengan luka manusia normal yang mudah sembuh, luka pesakit kencing yang biasanya susah untuk sembuh malah mudah merebak kepada luka yang lebih besar dan dalam memerlukan penjagaan rapi dan kaedah rawatan yang baik untuk menggalakkan pertumbuhan daging dan kulit, dan memastikan luka kencing manis boleh sembuh dengan sempurna. Tisu-tisu mati di sekitar luka perlu dibersihkan dan digunting supaya hanya tinggal tisu yang baik dan kemerahan untuk menggalakan pertumbuhan daging yang lebih cepat. Jika kaedah lama memerlukan penelitian manusia untuk membuang tisu-tisu ini yang mengambil masa dan tenaga jururawat (yang mana kualiti dan kadar penelitian sebegitu tidak mampu diberikan oleh pusat kesihatan kerajaan kecuali di pusat rawatan swasta yang berbayar dan mahal), namun kini telah ada kaedah rawatan terbaru iaitu dengan menggunakan ulat untuk membersih tisu mati (nikrotik) tersebut. 

Lanjutan daripada posting sebelum ini Rawatan Ulat Lalat Untuk Rawat Ulcer Diabetes, posting kali cuba menerangkan lebih lanjut berkenaan kaedah rawatan ulat untuk merawat luka kencing manis ini dan pusat kesihatan yang memberi rawatan tersebut. Terima kasih kepada En. Ghazali yang telah memberi maklumat lebih lanjut berkenaan rawatan ulat untuk merawat luka kencing manis. En Ghazali adalah seorang pengamal perubatan terlatih dalam memberi rawatan ulat ini. Beliau bekerja dengan Maggot Debridement Therapy ( Sterilarvae ) iaitu sebuah syarikat milik penuh bumiputra yang telah membawa teknologi rawatan ini dari dari Jerman dan mempraktikkan di Malaysia. Beliau berkongsi pengalaman dan maklumat berkenaan rawatan ulat ni di blog http://rawatanlukadiabetis.blogspot.com/  Kaedah rawatan ini telah mendapat kelulusan dari Kementerian Kesihatan Malaysia. Rawatan ulat untuk merawat luka kencing manis ni boleh didapati di premis seperti alamat dan masa berikut:


Medical Biotheraphy Sdn Bhd
Maggot Debridement Therapy
( Pusat Terapi Maggot )

Waktu operasi  : Isnin - Jumaat    ( 8.30am - 5.30pm )
                         Sabtu                ( 8.30am - 12.30pm )

Alamat            : No 5, Jalan Sarikei Off Jalan Pahang, 53000 Kuala Lumpur.

Pejabat Pengurusan Medical Biotheraphy Sdn Bhd terletak di Sri Gombak manakala pusat rawatan adalah terletak di jalan Pahang berhadapan hospital tawakkal ( KPJ ). Syarikat ini juga melakukan rawatan rumah ke rumah (home service) bg mengurangkan beban pesakit.

En Ghazali boleh dihubungi di no telefon  012-4404352

Kaedah Rawatan Luka Kencing Manis

Sebelum memulakan rawatan pesakit perlu menandatangani borang persetujuan (consent form). Seterusnya saiz dan keadaan luka pesakit akan di nilai samada banyak  tisu nikrotik atau tidak, ini kerana ulat tersebut hanya membersihkan tisu-tisu mati sehingga luka tersebut merah keseluruhannya. Ulat-ulat ini menggunakan 2 taring kecil nya untuk mengikis tisu nikrotik ini lalu merembes air liurnya bertujuan menyedut balik nikrotik tisu yg dikikisnya tadi. Air liur ini juga dipercayai elok untuk pertumbuhan daging. Saiz luka juga menentukan berapa banyak jumlah ulat yang harus digunakan. Setelah luka dinilai, dressing dimulakan dengan memasang benteng di keliling luka tersebut, kemudian ulat akan diletakkan ke atas permukaan luka. Luka akan dibalut dan ulat akan dibiar itu melakukan kerja membersih tisu nikrotik selama 3hari. Rawatan ini akan diulang sehingga luka tersebut kelihantan merah sepenuhnya. Kebiasaanya, luka akan berubah menjadi kemerahan hanya dgn sekurangnya 5 kali rawatan ulat. Kos rawatan ini adalah  RM1 untuk seekor ulat. Jumlah kos keseluruhan adalah bergantung kepada saiz luka kencing manis. Rawatan ini juga di beri di Hospital Kuala Lumpur dengan kos lebih murah pastinya namun dengan jumlah pesakit yang ramai di HKL mungkin anda tidak mendapat kualiti perkhidmatan yang sama dengan pusat kesihatan swasta ini.

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Vegans Have Lower Diabetes, Heart Risk

Vegans Have Lower Diabetes, Heart Risk

A new study finds that a meat free diet seems to lower a person's likelihood of having risks factors for diabetes or heart disease and therefore, may lower the risk of one developing those illness. Researchers measures several factors such as blood sugar, blood fats, blood pressure, waist size and body mass - that when elevated add up to metabolic syndrome, and found that vegetarians were lower than non vegetarian on all measures except cholesterol. Having metabolic syndrome put people at a greater risk of developing diabetes and heart disease so consume more vegetables now in your diet and reduce meat and eat moderately.

 Related Articles:
Blood Glucose Meter
Symptom of Diabetes

Sunday, April 3, 2011

To Prevent Diabetes

A Life Journey Struggle To Prevent Diabetes

Diabetes is a disease that come in package with your parent's inheritance. If your parent got diabetes, then it is also on your gene to have this disease sooner or later. Your risk to have diabetes is greater than others. It is a struggle, just like knowing that someone is waiting for you that you whole heartedly do not want to see. It is a stress that could only be relieved through healthy dietary and lifestyle, then just hope that you would not have to suffer this disease. Here I want to share an article written by a writer that share the same struggle as me. People feel related when they have something in common even though there is no way that me and she would know each other.. but what Juneita Johari write about her quest to stay healthy and to prevent diabetes need to be share by all ...

I WENT to the doctor’s last month for a check-up. My sugar level was on the high side of normal. This, despite my drastically cutting down on cakes, cookies and sweets.

Most people would take it in stride and face the crisis when it comes, whenever that may be.
For me, the alarm bells rang loud and clear. Diabetes. My mother had it when she was in her 40s. My father had it much later, in his 80s. With such genes, not to mention the others — heart problems and hypertension — or the “package deal” as some people call them, now would be the time to act. The doctor said I could start medication now, or change my lifestyle and dietary habits and see where that would take me. So I decided. Medication later. Diet and exercise first. Such simple things but what havoc it will wreak on all I am used to. 
The doctor suggested going on a minimal carbohydrates diet, but I would be allowed meat and fish with unlimited servings of vegetables. First to be deleted from my carb intake are all the comfort foods I love — bread, pastry, pasta, potato and rice. Goodbye plain rice, nasi lemak, nasi goreng, kway teow, mee sua, bihun and all other noodles. 
It is truly depressing looking at the menu in restaurants and realising that most of our foods are carb-based and quite often, loaded with coconut milk, oil and sugar. What an eye-opener!
I was shocked to find how our meals are really the cause of where we end up in terms of health.
But my fear of letting diabetes into my life strengthened my resolve. I did not like the way diabetes literally wasted my parents. So I tell myself I am going to beat this. 
With a menu and a rather detailed plan, I worked it out with my doctor. We decided to have a 21-day plan for each cycle. The goal was to drop my body weight and slim down the waistline as much as possible. Do you know that the standard these days is to look at the waistline measurement first and then the BMI (Body Mass Index)? A woman’s waistline should be 80cm or less, and a man’s 90cm or less. That is a lot of work!
What I should eat and the workouts I should do, turned out to be simpler than I had thought. It was challenging the first week because I was craving for carb. I felt full after a meal but something seemed lacking. I was suffering from withdrawal symptoms. My body was missing the carb.
My bigger challenge, however, came from being with other people. Many of my friends are supportive and understanding of my mission. But I find I still have to explain in great detail why I have to do what I am doing. 
The impact diabetes can have invokes fear in me. From the time I accompanied my mother to see various doctors about managing her diabetes in her 50s to the time she passed away at 73, I saw her slowly lose her vision, kidney functions and be put on dialysis, compounded by the excruciatingly slow recovery from sores. Her toes went purple one time, and toenails actually wobbled and threatened to drop off because the blood circulation in her feet was so poor.
These are the typical horrors caused by diabetes. The consequences are overwhelming. My father nearly had his foot amputated because his wounds would not heal. 
My mother’s list of doctors grew as the years went by. From the endocrinologist, she had to later see the cardiologist, nephrologist and ophthalmologist. When she had water in her lungs, the specialists in respiratory medicines were called in. When she went into a coma, even the neurologist was involved. As a caregiver, you do not just watch and serve. You also learn. This is one journey I do not wish to take. It is one that I will fight and resist for as long as I can. I already carry the genes. I can only delay the reality for as long as possible. 
For me, one of my most challenging moments is refusing food people offer. I have to learn the art of being gracious instead of being defensive. I have to learn patience. People generally laugh and scoff when you tell them you are on a diet. They would say, “One little bit won’t hurt” or “Just a little bit to mark the event”.
Few people take dieting seriously because we are always breaking the rules. It is supposedly fun to do so. I should know. I have been on some sort of diet nearly my entire adult life. Fighting weight gain that leads to diabetes has become like a mission in my life. But I find that I don’t want to be explaining myself all the time. If I say I am avoiding cakes and sweets, for example, I get lectured about how “everything should be done in moderation”, “you’ve got to know your limit” and “exercise la!”, followed by “have some”. 
I can’t be peddling my fears openly all the time. But people just seem to need some sort of justification as to why you cannot eat what they offer. They take umbrage as though their food is not good enough for you. It is rarely a short story. Sad to say, I actually decline some invitations for fear of being grilled and having to repeat “the story”. If I feel up to it, I take the opportunity to “educate” people about diabetes. 
Whether it is getting ourselves together for workouts, or being careful of what we eat, we all have issues to deal with. If it’s not about this, it will be about something else. All of us are fighting some sort of battle. A little bit of kindness and understanding won’t go amiss. 
Few people take dieting seriously because we are always breaking the rules. Fighting weight gain that leads to diabetes has become like a mission in this writer’s life
The writer volunteers at the Special Children Society of Ampang. After more than two decades of grappling with the system, she finds that the whole experience is just one big learning curve

Read more: I,caregiver: Determined to stay healthy http://www.nst.com.my/nst/articles/I_caregiver_Determinedtostayhealthy/Article#ixzz1ITMbZE76

Stay Healthy To Prevent Diabetes

Monday, March 21, 2011


Health Benefit of Saffron as Healthy Food For Diabetic 

Saffron flower (Crocus Sativus) has long been cultivated and used for various purposes since medieval time. Its stigma is the most beneficial part which is used as spice in culinary and have various health benefit too. Saffron is cultivated in Spain, Middle East, Kashmir and Iran is the main producer with more than 80% of world’s production. Saffron in Arabic is known as Zafaran or Za'afaranTermed as a golden spice, saffron is a very expensive spice that price could fetch up to thousand RM per kg. It needs more than 150,000 Saffron stigmas to weight a kilogram. 

Used in cooking saffron has the ingredient to give special flavor and turn dish into exotic once.  Saffron is essential spice in Middle Eastern food. One popular use of saffron is to be used in Nasi Beriani (Rice) recipe to give its yellow colouring and exotic taste. This invaluable spice and natural herb have numerous health benefits which are good for our well being that very few of us know. I bought one of this processed saffron in powder form in small bottle for RM70. The market price of this product is around RM100-150 per bottle. Based on pamphlet that comes with the packaging, health benefit of saffron could be used to treat disorder and treatment such as:
1.            Paralyse  
2.            Muscle fatigue
3.            Rejuvenate and refresh body
4.            Muscle Pain
5.            Bone and  joint health
6.            High Blood Pressure
8.            Arthritis & ghout

The health benefit of saffron that I want to discuss is its ability to control blood sugar level for diabetes patient (I have write about other foods that share similar health benefits in one of my posts before). This also related to its ability to be as blood purifier and anti-inflammatory. Saffron as blood purifier also helps in increasing the oxygen content of the blood thereby aiding in the overall health.  This health benefit of saffron is very crucial to diabetes patients in which their sugar rich blood is bad for their blood vessel, nerve and kidney. In long term the high blood sugar level condition will damaging nerve in organs that will eventually lead to kidney failure, deteriorating vision, blood vessel and heart damage. Maintaining good blood ph is important for our health and well being which Saffron is beneficial in treating blood acidity, thus would help in relieving inflammation of arthritis along with providing relief from joint pains. Saffron  health benefit to diabetes patient not exhausted in controlling blood sugar level but also to ensure overall well being and important organ health which usually affected by diabetes.
My own experience of drinking saffron water I found out that it is very useful to reduce fatigue and muscle inflammation by helping the tissues to get rid of lactic acid which gets built up after strenuous physical exercise.

How to Use Saffron
For health use, mix and stir half teaspoon of saffron powder with a glass of boiling water just like brewing tea. Maximum water temperature would make better juice and give a more greener and bitter taste. Advisable not to consume the residue left and if you feel it is a waste then you can mix boil water twice but the second mix would produce a lesser pure concoction. Drink twice or once daily.

Other benefits of Saffron
Saffron also could be used to reduce fever and as a mild sedative which can be used to treat insomnia and even treat depression, and has long been used for the improvement of digestion and appetite (saffron coats the membranes of stomach and colon thereby helping in soothing gastrointestinal colic and this is beneficial for providing relief from gas and acidity related problems). Saffron is used for the treatment of kidney, bladder and liver disorders as it helps in improving circulation to the organs of digestion. Lastly, saffron also help in treating various disorders like asthma, atherosclerosis, and painful menstrual.

Related articles
Treatment of ulcer diabetic using honey and propolis
Rawatan ulat sebagai satu kaedah rawatan luka diabetes

Sunday, March 20, 2011


Khasiat Manfaat Zafaran / Za'afaran atau Saffron Sebagai Ubat Penyakit Kencing Manis / Diabetes

Tambahan kepada post "healthy food for diabetes" yang menyenaraikan makanan bermanfaat untuk pesakit kencing manis. Satu lagi herba yang amat baik untuk pesakit kencing manis adalah zafaran. Nama Zafaran atau lebih tepat Za'afaran didalam bahasa Arab, juga dikenali dengan nama Saffron Crocus dalam bahasa Inggeris. Zafaran adalah herba yang mahal malah dipanggil sebagai herba emas. Herba zafaran adalah merupakan stigma bunga zafaran atau nama saintifiknya (Crocus Sativus). Stigma bunga zafaran yang kecil inilah dikumpul, samada diguna secara bentuk stigma asal atau diproses dalam bentuk serbuk, herba zafaran ini mempunyai banyak manfaat untuk kesihatan. Dalam bentuk stigma asal harga zafaran adalah dalam RM15 untuk 10 gram (jika tidak salah saya) dan untuk 1kg harganya boleh mencecah ribuan ringgit. Di negara timur tengah zafaran digunakan sebagai pewarna dan perisa di dalam masakan nasi beriani dan banyak lagi masakan lain. Antara manfaat kesihatan zafaran adalah untuk keadaan  dibawah dan kesihatan tubuh keseluruhannya.
  1. Lumpuh seluruh angota 
  2. Badan letih dan lesu
  3. Meringankan tubuh ketika bangun tidur
  4. Menyelesaikan masalah sakit urat
  5. Sakit Lutut atau sendi
  6. Darah Tinggi
  7. Mengawal kadar gula / kencing manis
  8. Penyakit Sendi

Khasiat dan Manfaat yang ingin dikongsi disini adalah kemampuannya penggunaan zafaran dalam mengawal kadar gula penyakit kencing manis / diabetes. Saya percaya Kajian Saintifik ke atas zafaran masih belum banyak dilakukan mungkin juga kerana zafaran tidak popular di negara barat malah di Malaysia dan Indonesia kegunaan zafaran untuk kesihatan tidak banyak diketahui. Hubungan zafaran dalam rawatan kencing manis adalah manfaatnya yang baik untuk darah. Zafaran dikenali sebagai pencuci darah (blood purifier), meningkatkan oksigen darah, mengurangkan asiditi darah, adalah baik untuk kesihatan tubuh badan dan manfaat ini juga adalah terbaik untuk pesakit kencing manis oleh kerana penyakit kencing manis itu sendiri adalah berkait rapat dengan kadar gula yang tinggi dalam darah. Kesan lanjut dari penyakit kencing manis ini dalam jangka masa lama adalah kerosakan  buah pinggang, kerosakan salur darah dan seterusnya penyakit jantung koronari. Oleh itu apa herba lain yang elok untuk darah harus diamalkan oleh pesakit kencing manis seperti tongkat ali, misai kucing dan tunjuk langit. Herba zafaran juga amat baik untuk kesihatan buah pinggang dan merawat penyakit batu karang. Oleh itu amalan rawatan menggunakan zafaran ini amat baik di amalkan oleh pesakit kencing manis untuk mengekalkan kesihatan buah pinggang dan jantung. Kesihatan buah pinggang terutamanya amat penting dalam mengawal penyakit kencing manis itu sendiri. Pesakit yang mula mengalami kemerosotan fungsi buah pinggang akan lebih sukar dalam merawat / pulih dari luka, mengawal kadar gula dan menjejaskan kualiti darah yang boleh mengundang pula penyakit lain.

Saya telah berpeluang untuk menggunakan zafaran ini dan juga diguna oleh ayah yang mempunyai penyakit kencing manis dan juga diguna oleh ibu yang dah mula ada penyakit ghout. Apa yang dapat saya rasakan sendiri adalah peningkatan fitness dan pemulihan cepat otot dari aktiviti sukan. Sebelum ini jika lama tak berlari saya pasti akan merasa sakit otot peha selepas larian yang disebabkan asid lactic yang terkumpul dalam otot, namun setelah amalkan minum air zafaran ia tidak lagi berlaku, sesuatu yang saya anggap amat menakjubkan oleh kerana kesan sakit otot adalah sesuatu biasa dan pasti berlaku selepas sesuatu aktiviti fisikal. 

Diperkenalkan oleh seorang ustaz yang memberi ceramah di pejabat dengan harga RM70 sebotol zafaran dalam bentuk serbuk, harga tersebut adalah amat murah dibandingkan harga di pasaran luar yang boleh mencapai RM120 sebotol.

Cara Penggunaan
Herba Zafaran dalam bentuk serbuk diguna dengan mencampurkan dengan air panas, lebih baik adalah air baru mendidih dengan suhu panas maksimun. Ini akan menjadikan airnya reningan menjadi lebih hijau dan pekat. 2 sudu kecil zafaran untuk satu gelas air dan diminum satu kali atau 2 kali sehari diwaktu pagi dan sebelum tidur. Sudu kecil ada disediakan bersama kotak bungkusan. Saya cadangkan tidak diminum serdak atau hampas didasar gelas dan jika masih sayang untuk dibuang boleh lah diletak air panas sekali lagi, air reningan kali kedua akan menjadi kurang hijau dan kurang pahit.

Khasiat dan Manfaat Lain Zafaran
Baik untuk sistem penghadaman -angin dan asid (detoxification), meningkat selera, sistem hati, asma, menstrual, arthritis, kemurungan, insomnia, mengurangkan suhu deman. 

Related Article

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Blood Glucose Meter

Blood Glucose Meter Bayer Contour TS

Blood Glucose Meter Bayer Contour TS which utilizes the advanced No Coding technology, is the best selling Blood Glucose Meter in Malaysia. Bayer is a well known brand. What come with renowned brand normally is sense of guarantee in term of quality and performance. Bayer has been bringing precision and reliability to diabetes care for over 60 years.

I would say that Bayer's Contour TS system is a simple win for people looking for high performance in blood glucose monitoring. I have not used other Blood Glucose Meter, but I am quite satisfied with Bayer Contour TS Blood Glucose Meter while using it to monitor my father blood glucose level. It is straight forward and easy.  First, insert test strip into Blood Glucose Meter. Second, use lancing device to draw blood sample. Third, put blood sample onto test strip, in seconds Blood Glucose Meter will give result of blood glucose level. Due to its simple use my father could do the blood glucose test by his own. Testing is made virtually painless because only a small amount of blood is needed (0.6 microlite) / easier language that would mean less than a drop of blood.

The Blood Glucose Meter Bayer Contour TS is the perfect balance of advanced technology and simplicity for easy accuracy in test results. Unlike previous technology Blood Glucose Meter need calibrating and manually entering a code chip or code strip with each new box of test strip is now not required. Thus, Bayer's No Coding™ technology will eliminates inaccuracies due to miscoding errors. Blood Glucose Meter Bayer Contour TS equipped with a large memory capacity of the last 250 tests for easy reference.
Blood Glucose Meter Bayer Contour TS has retail price of RM192. I bought one for RM180 from Zuq Pharmacy after some discount. Each pack comes with;
  1. 1 Bayer Contour TS Blood Glucose Meter
  2. 50 test strips
  3. 1 Lancing device
  4.  25 lancets
  5.  100 pieces of alcohol swabs
  6.   Lifetime warranty
Refill of test strips of 50 strips that come in 2 bottles with 25 test strips each would cost around RM80. 

Related Articles:
Healthy Foods For Diabetics
What is Diabetes / Kencing Manis

Monday, January 31, 2011

Rawatan Luka Kencing Manis Guna Madu Lebah dan Propolis

Rawatan Luka Kencing Manis Guna Madu Lebah dan Propolis

Ini adalah rawatan tradisional , anda mungkin tidak menemui rawatan ini di Hospital Kerajaan, tetapi kajian telah banyak dijalankan oleh saintis tentang khasiat penggunaan madu lebah dan propolis. Madu lebah dan propolis mempunyai banyak khasiat. Apa yang ingin di tulis di sini secara khusus adalah rawatan luka kencing manis guna madu lebah dan propolis. Berdasarkan pengalaman semasa merawat luka kencing manis kaki ayah di klinik pakar kencing manis CARE4U di Kota Bharu, Doktor menggunakan propolis dalam rawatan luka kencing manis.

Apa itu propolis?
propolis diguna oleh lebah sebagai "sealant"
Saya pasti ramai yang telah jelas berkenaan madu lebah tetapi tahukah anda apa itu propolis? Propolis adalah bahan yang boleh didapati di bahagian luar tempat meyimpan madu di dalam sarang lebah. Propolis adalah lebih cair daripada madu dan berwarna lebih gelap  coklat dan kehitaman. Propolis adalah terhasil daripada kombinasi cecair pokok, pucuk dan bunga yang dikumpul oleh lebah. Fungsi propolis didalam sarang lebah adalah sebagai “disinfectant” atau sterile bagi menghapus kuman supaya bahagian dalam yang mengandungi madu dan tempat pembiakan bersih dan selamat.

Kajian yang dijalankan oleh saintis Itali 1  menunjukkan bahawa propolis mempunyai
sifat antiinflammatory, immunostimulatory, antiviral dan antibacterial. Anti-oxidant aktiviti di dalam propolis juga tinggi. Ia juga menunjukkan synergy dengan setengah antibiotik dan juga menunjukkan kualiti anti fungal. Kajian juga menunjukkan bahawa propolis berkesan untuk merawat jangkitan bahagian upper respiratory seperti batuk 2 / sakit tekak dan mengurangkan jumlah oral bacteria dan dental plaque 3. Sifat propolis yang antiinflammatory, immunostimulatory, antiviral dan antibacterial amat bermanfaat  dalam proses rawatan luka kencing manis menggunakan propolis dan juga madu. Propolis dititiskan / disapu di atas luka kencing manis di peringkat akhir cucian. Setelah luka kencing manis di bersihkan dengan ubat penghapus kuman seperti Evsol, boleh juga digunakan produk dettol, sel-sel mati dibuang sehingga daging kelihatan kemerahan,  propolis boleh dititiskan/sapu di atas luka sebelum luka kencing manis ditutup/dibalut.

Madu lebah pula hanya boleh digunakan untuk disapu ke atas luka yang telah menjadi kulit yang sempurna. Ia berkesan untuk menguatkan kulit dan menghalang jangkitan.  Madu lebah tidak boleh diguna ke atas luka kencing manis yang masih dalam peringkat penumbuhan semula daging.

Rawatan luka kencing manis guna madu lebah dan propolis ini amat bermanfaat dibandingkan dengan menggunakan ubat luka biasa seperti iodine, tambah lagi ia adalah natural dan tiada kesan sampingan. Namun harus diingat bahawa rawatan luka kencing manis guna madu lebah dan propolis ini hendaklah menggunakan madu lebah dan propolis yang asli tidak dicampur dengan bahan lain.
1-Russo A, Longo R, Vanella A. Department of Biochemistry, Medical Chemistry and Molecular Biology, University of Catania, V.le A. Doria 6, 95125, Catania, Italy. Fitoterapia. 2002 Nov;73 Suppl 1:S21-9. Antioxidant activity of propolis: role of caffeic acid phenethyl ester and galangin
2-Focht J, Hansen SH, Nielsen JV, van den Berg-Segers A, Riezler R. Bioscientia, Institute for Laboratory Medicine, Moers, Fed. Rep. of Germany, Arzneimittelforschung. 1993 Aug;43(8):921-3. Bactericidal effect of propolis in vitro against agents causing upper respiratory tract infections
3-Steinberg D, Kaine G, Gedalia I. Department of Oral Biology, Faculty of Dentistry, Hebrew University-Hadassah, Jerusalem, Israel. Am J Dent. 1996 Dec;9(6):236-9. Antibacterial effect of propolis and honey on oral bacteria

Alat Pengukur Kadar Gula Darah

Alat Pengukur Kadar Gula Darah  Bayer Contour TS

Alat Pengukur Kadar Gula Darah  Bayer Contour TS adalah alat pengukur darah yang paling banyak dijual di Malaysia. Bayer adalah jenama terkenal yang telah 60 tahun beroperasi. Jadi jaminan kualiti dan prestasi yang baik dari alat pengukur gula darah ini adalah dijamin. Alat Pengukur Kadar Gula Darah  Bayer Contour TS terbaru dengan “No Coding” teknologi  mempermudahkan lagi penggunaannya. Teknologi No coding ini amat penting kerana kajian yang dilakukan menunjukkan hampir 16% pengguna alat pengukur gula darah tidak tahu keperluan untuk menukar kod bila kotak kertas ujian baru digunakan. Ini akan mengakibatkan kesilapan bacaan kadar gula darah boleh mencapai hingga 43%.

Saya tidak pernah menggunakan jenama lain alat pengukur gula darah, tetapi saya amat berpuashati dengan prestasi  alat pengukur gula darah Bayer Contour TS ini dalam mengawal kadar gula darah ayah. Ia amat mudah digunakan, malah ayah dapat melakukan ujian kadar gula darah sendiri.  Cara menggunakannya adalah pertama sekali memasukkan kertas ujian ke dalam Alat Pengukur Kadar Gula Darah  Bayer Contour TS, ini akan menghidupkannya. Kedua, dengan menggunakan alat jarum suntikan untuk mengambil sampel darah.  Ketiga titiskan /letakkan  darah tersebut ke atas kertas ujian . Alat Pengukur Kadar Gula Darah  Bayer Contour TS akan mengeluarkan bacaan kadar gula darah dengan cepat iaitu kurang dari 8 saat. Jumlah sampel darah yang diperlukan juga amat sedikit iaitu sebanyak 0.6 microlite (dengan kata mudah ia kurang dari setitis darah diperlukan). Alat Pengukur Kadar Gula Darah  Bayer Contour TS ini juga mempunyai memori sebanyak 250 keputusan ujian untuk rujukan.

Alat Pengukur Kadar Gula Darah  Bayer Contour TS ini berharga RM192 di pasaran. Saya telah membeli 1 set dengan harga RM180 selepas diskaun dari Zuq Pharmacy. Setiap set permulaan akan mengandungi:
  1. 1.       1 Alat Pengukur Kadar Gula Darah  Bayer Contour TS
  2. 2.       50 kertas ujian
  3. 3.       1 alat jarum suntikan
  4. 4.       25 jarum
  5. 5.       100 kapas sapuan
  6. 6.       Warranty seumur hidup

Kertas ujian boleh dibeli dengan harga RM80 untuk  2 botol, setiap botol mengandungi 25 keping kertas ujian kadar gula darah.

Arabic Gum ubat yang perlu diambil pesakit kencing manis / diabetes

 Arabic Gum adalah makanan kesihatan semulajadi dari negara timur tengah yang baik untuk pesakit kencing manis / diabetes. Bukan kerana ia a...